In Indian astrology, also known as Vedic astrology, Guru Graha(Jupiter) holds an important position among the nine planets. It is revered as one of the most auspicious and benevolent planets, and its significance is deeply rooted in vedic astrology or jyotish Shastra. The planet Jupiter is affectionately referred to as Guru Graha or Dev Guru Graha in Sanskrit or Hindi, which is dedicated to guru brihaspati also known as Dev Guru – the teacher of gods. Jupiter (Guru Graha) symbolises wisdom, growth,expansion and good fortune. As we enter the year 2025, a significant transition is expected to take place, which has garnered considerable attention among astrology believers. This phenomenon is known as the Jupiter transit or Guru Grah Gochar, which refers to the passage of Jupiter through various zodiac signs, exerting its influence on different aspects of human life or affairs. According to Indian astrology, the movement and position of planets are known as transit or gochar. A significant transit is expected in 2025, known as the Jupiter transit.
Planetary transits play a crucial role in influencing human affairs and individual zodiac signs. Let’s explore this transit phenomenon in detail and understand its impact on different zodiac signs.
Jupiter Transit 2025 By Indian Astrologer Pradip Verma
Jupiter transit is one of the most important transits that will happen in 2025, influencing different zodiac signs. Before we explore how it will impact each sign, let’s find out when it will occur.
According to the planetary positions in the year 2025, in the month of May, Jupiter (Dev Guru Graha) will transit from Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi) to Gemini (Mithuna Rashi).
Meanwhile, in the month of October, Jupiter (Guru Graha) will transit from Gemini (Mithun Rashi) to Cancer (Kark Rashi). Then, moving in a retrograde motion from Cancer (Kark Rashi), Guru Graha (Jupiter) will re-enter Gemini (Mithun Rashi) in December. Let’s understand this transit in detail -:
May 15, 2025 | Jupiter (Dev Guru Graha) will transit from Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi) to Gemini (Mithuna Rashi). |
October 19, 2025 | Jupiter (Dev Guru Graha) will transit from Gemini (Mithuna Rashi) to Cancer (Karka Rashi) |
November 11, 2025 | Jupiter (Dev Guru Graha) in retrograde motion |
December 4,2025 | Jupiter (Dev Guru Graha) will re-enter in Gemini (Mithun Rashi) in December from Cancer (Karka Rashi) |
Jupiter (Guru Grah) is the second slowest gochar or moving planet after Saturn (Shani Grah). Jupiter (Guru Grah) is the main planet of Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) and Pisces (Meena Rashi). According to Indian Astrology,there are
12 bhavas which represent different areas of life of an individual. According to the Jupiter transit 2025, it is believed that Jupiter’s nectar-like vision (amrit drishti) of the house he looks at during his fifth, seventh, and ninth bhava. Which symbolises growth and expansion,child happiness, successful marriage and relationships.
Impact of Jupiter Transit 2025 on Different Zodiac Signs
This is the impact of Jupiter transit 2025 on different Zodiac signs-
- Aries (Mesh Rashi)
In the Aries zodiac signs (Mesh Rashi), Jupiter ( Dev Guru Grah) is the main planet or swami of the 9th Bhava or house (Bhagya Sthan), which represents luck and fortune, and the 12th bhava or house (Vyaya Sthan), which represents expenses and losses. With Jupiter transiting in Gemini (Mithuna Rashi), it will move into the 3rd house bhava in Aries (Mesh Rashi).
The transit of Jupiter (Guru Grah) will have both positive and negative effects on Aries (Mesh) zodiac sign.
- Positive Impact –
Due to the transit of Jupiter (Guru Grah) in the month of October, there may be an increase in happiness, peace, and prosperity in the family. Additionally, there may be auspicious events like marriages, etc., in the family.
- Negative Impact –
You may face problems in your workplace and obstacles may arise in various tasks.
- Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi)
For Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi) zodiac natives, Jupiter (Dev Guru Graha) is considered the swami of the 8th house or bhava and the 11th house or bhava, and with Jupiter transiting in Gemini (Mithuna Rashi), it will enter the 2nd house or bhava in Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi) natives.
- Positive Impact –
Several positive impacts can be seen for your zodiac sign due to the Jupiter transit.
- Negative Impact –
Talking about the negative impact, you may face difficulties in saving money.
3.Gemini (Mithuna Rashi)
For Gemini (Mithuna Rashi), Dev Guru Graha (Jupiter) is the Swami of the 7th Bhava and the 10th Bhava. The transit of Jupiter in Mithuna Rashi will be especially influential. The presence of Jupiter here will cast its aspect on 5th Bhava, 7th Bhava, and 9th Bhava or house.
- Positive Impact –
Good combinations for progeny, happiness, and prosperity are visible in the Gemini zodiac sign due to the Jupiter transit 2025.
- Negative Impact –
However, due to Jupiter being in a retrograde position in November and December, ups and downs can be seen in business.
4. Cancer (Karka Rashi)
For Cancer zodiac natives, Jupiter is the swami of the 6th and 9th bhavas or houses. As per the Jupiter transit 2025, it will enter the 12th house from Cancer (Karka Rashi).The Guru Gochar 2025 is expected to be highly beneficial for Cancer zodiac natives.
- Positive Impact-
Talking about the positive impact, it is expected to bring success in both lives whether professional or personal.
- Negative Impact-
Regarding the negative impact, due to Jupiter’s retrograde position in November and December, there may be some minor health issues.
5. Leo (Simha Rashi)
For Leo (Simha Rashi) natives, Jupiter ( Guru Grah) is the swami of the 5th house and the 8th house. As per the Guru transit 2025, Brihaspati Maharaj will enter from the 11th house in Leo (Simha Rashi).
- Positive Impact-
Talking about the positive impact, it is expected to succeed in both lives whether professional or personal.
- Negative Impact-
Regarding the negative impact, due to Jupiter’s retrograde position in November and December, there may be some financial issues.
6. Virgo (Kanya Rashi)
For Virgo (Kanya Rashi), Jupiter (Guru Graha) is the swami of the 4th house and the 7th house. During the Jupiter transit 2025 in Gemini (Mithuna Rashi), the Jupiter planet will enter from the 10th house in Virgo (Kanya Rashi).
- Positive Impact-
Relationships may witness a sense of balance and positiveness.
- Negative Impact-
The Jupiter transit 2025 may have several negative impacts on Virgo zodiac signs (Kanya Rashi), especially on the professional front, and financially as well, where ups and downs can be expected.
7. Libra (Tula Rashi)
Jupiter transit 2025, for Libra (Tula Rashi) natives, Jupiter is the swami of the 3rd house and the 6th house, and during the current transit period, it will enter from the 9th bhava in Libra (Tula Rashi).
Positive and Negative Impact of Jupiter Transit 2025–
You may witness various positive and negative impacts.
8. Scorpio (Vrishchika Rashi)
Scorpio (Vrishchika Rashi), Jupiter is the swami or lord of the 2nd and 5th houses bhavas. The Jupiter transit 2025 is going to take place in your Rashi from 8th house or bhava.
- Positive and Negative impact –
You may witness various positive and negative impacts including relationships, professional work and peace.
9. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)
The Jupiter transit 2025 will be very auspicious for Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) as Jupiter is the swami of this zodiac sign.
- Positive & Negative Impact –
You will witness numerous positive impacts in your professional life as well as personal life. However, there will be some minor negative impacts.
10. Capricorn (Makara Rashi)
For Capricorn (Makara Rashi)
zodiac natives, Jupiter (Guru) is the swami of the 3rd house or bhava and the 12th house or bhava , and the Jupiter transit 2025 will take place in the 6th bhava
- Positive & Negative Impact –
Capricorn (Makar Rashi) zodiac natives may witness various negative impacts due to the Jupiter transit 2025, related to physical health, relationships, and professional life.
11. Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)
For Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)
zodiac natives, Jupiter is the swami of the 2nd and 11th houses. The Jupiter transit 2025 will take place in the 5th house in Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi).
- Positive Impact-
Financially, you may witness numerous positive impacts.
- Negative Impact-
However, minor daily life challenges may arise in your routine life.
12. Pisces (Meena Rashi)
The Jupiter transit will be very auspicious for Pisces (Meen Rashi) natives, as Jupiter is the swami or lord of this zodiac sign and also the ruling planet, and it will be positioned in the 10th house.
- Positive Impact-
You may receive financial benefits in various ways this year, and there will also be signs of progress in your professional life, although you will have to put in considerable effort.
- Negative Impact –
However, you may also experience some negative impacts, especially when Jupiter is in a retrograde state, which could lead to health-related problems.
Remedies For Different Zodiac Signs
The Jupiter transit will have different impacts on various zodiac signs, requiring them to adopt different remedies. In such a situation, it’s essential to have access to a knowledgeable astrologer who can provide genuine guidance and solutions based on their expertise. To find effective solutions, it’s recommended that you consult an expert astrologer. They will offer better solutions and guidance tailored to your specific needs.
This article provides detailed information about the Jupiter transit 2025, its effects on different zodiac signs, and the recommended remedies.